
It started when my cousin Ada van Benthem Jutting said to me: “You should see what can be found about Tera, she is a special woman, she had a very interesting life”.

“You should see what can be found about Tera, she is a special woman, she had a very interesting life”.

So I went to the Zeeuws archive in Middelburg, where the family archive “Van Benthem Jutting” is located. Handed over by my father in 2004. My father also made a useful inventory list and stipulated that family members should always be able to access it. In the archive I found six diaries and correspondence, from the Indies and the war, diplomas, title deeds, wills and more. It was a great help that I was allowed to borrow diaries and letters for a longer period of time.

In addition to the personal documents, there were of course the scientific and business documents. The archive of the Zoological Museum is largely housed in the Amsterdam City Archives, where I found lecture notes, business correspondence, reports of study trips, photos and much more.

Documents about Marius and Tera’s Indies diaries were donated by her niece Mien van Benthem Jutting to Leiden University and can be found there in the “special collections” .

The following websites were consulted: Wikipedia,,,

The following literature has been consulted:

  • Benthem Jutting A.G. van, Mies een uit de gehand gelopen reportage, A.G. van Ree- van Benthem Jutting, Amsterdam, 2015
  • Benthem Jutting Tera van, Een Middelburgsche spreeuwpot, Oudheidkundig Jaarboek 11: 88-90, Leiden, 1942.
  • Bijl B. van der & R.G. Molenbeek, Mattheus Schepman, een biografie, Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 2010.
  • Boekholt en de Booij, Geschiedenis van de school in Nederland, van de Middeleeuwen tot de huidige tijd, van Gorkum, Assen/Maastricht, 1987.
  • Bruin M.P. de, Wetenschap en vriendschap, Zeeuws Tijdschrift, 1991
  • Ellis-Adam Albertine, Schelpen verzamelen als hobby, in “Schitterende schelpen en slijmerige slakken”, Redactie Gerhard C. Cadée, Sylvia van Leeuwen, Jan Johan Ter Poorten, 75 jaar NMV , Leiden, 2009.
  • Engel H. en P.J. van der Feen, The Life of W.S.S. van Benthem Jutting, Beaufortia, Amsterdam, 1964.
  • Faasse Patricia, Een beetje opstandigheid, Johanna Westerdijk, De eerste vrouwelijke hoogleraar van Nederland, Atlas Contact, Amsterdam, 2012.
  • Kuiper J.G.J., Herinneringen aan De Wael, Correspondentieblad Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 1992.
  • Naber, A, en anderen, Huldeblijk aan H.M. de Koningin van de Amsterdamsche Vrouwen, 6 September 1898-1938. Amsterdam 1938.
  • Offereins Marianne, Vrouwenminiaturen uit de natuurwetenschap, Woutera van der Feen-van Benthem Jutting, NVOX, juni 2005.
  • Raad, Harry (Red), Zeeuwse Strandfossielen, Fauna Zeelandica in de oertijd, werkgroep Geologie KZGW, Middelburg, 2016.
  • Steenis C.G.G.J. van en R.J. van Steenis-Kruseman, Brief Sketch of the Tjibodas Mountain Garden, Flora Malesiana Bulletin, 1953.
  • Nijs, Thimo de, Jacob David Mees, Dagboek 1872-1874, Uitgeverij Verloren, Hilversum, 1997.
  • Weber-van Bosse Anna , Een jaar aan boord H.M. Siboga, met een inleiding van Jaap de Visser, Atlas, Amsterdam, 2000.
  • Zweig Stefan, De wereld van gisteren, herinneringen van een Europeaan, vertaald door Willem van Toorn, De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam, 1990.

I have also had the opportunity to speak with many people. People who knew her such as Rob Molenbeek, one of her successors and Siebrecht van der Spoel, who has been one of her latest assistants. But also Dick Dumont Tak and the Labruijère children who remembered her from her later years in Domburg. I also spoke with Professor Edi Gittenberger and Professor Menno Schilthuizen about her scientific significance. With Ruud Bank about her significance for the Malacological Society. Ruud also had an extensive bibliography of all her work, for which many thanks. There were people who shared their memories of her with me, such as Gerrit Doeksen who came to the museum as a young boy. Or Albertine Ellis who learned from Tera to work systematically which helped her for the rest of her career.

Finally, I owe the technical construction of the website to my niece Anne Boot who is significantly better at handling these modern techniques than I am.