Eponyms, Guestblog by Godfried van Moorsel

And then I received an email from Godfried van Moorsel  (Marine ecologist) with an overview of eponyms and an accompanying text. Enough information for a guest blog.

On the opening page of this site it says: “You can see which shells she has named”. That is actually not correct: that list contains names of shells that were described for the first time by other people, who used the name of Tera van Benthem Jutting so that she will be  remembered, so-called eponyms. There must have been thousands of shells that Tera named in her lifetime, many known and lesser known.

If you want to know how many shells TvBJ has described as a new species, MolluscaBase gives an impression. If you search for “Author contains Benthem”, no fewer than 374 names will pop up! There are eponyms in there, but of course Tera didn’t honor herself. It would in itself be a nice exercise to see which eponyms Tera came up with herself. For example, she used species names such as Hoekzemai, Brongersmai, Wilhelminae, Lieftincki, Beauforti, Duboisi and many others. The year she gave those names is also known, so that would make it even more interesting.

From the blogs on this site it is clear that Tera van Benthem Jutting was scientifically mainly active in the field of mollusks and in particular species with a shell, especially bivalves and snails. Many researchers corresponded with Tera and/or appreciated her work and company. Describing a new species included coming up with a name, and sometimes they did it in her honor. Both genus and species names have been used to name Tera. Thus the genera Teraia, Benthemia and Juttingia, but also Teracharopa and Teralatirus arose as eponyms. Teralatirus Roboreus has in fact been used as a logo for this site. Juttingae is often used as a species name, but terae and (van)benthemjuttingae also occur. The ending -i or -a was sometimes used as well but is incorrect, a name of a lady should end with -ae. The list below shows an overview of the eponyms in which the name of Tera van Benthem Jutting is mentioned. Understandably, these are mainly molluscs: three bivalves, one of which is a fossil, twenty snails, six of which are fossils, and a squid. A sea spider (not a mollusk) was also named after her. This list can also be found under the heading eponyms.

The list does not include eponyms that Tera herself gave (see above), but in the context of this site one in particular should not be left out, namely that of Hypselostoma piconis van Benthem Jutting, 1949. In this way she ‘immortalized’ her husband Pico van der Feen in the name of a small Asian land snail.

Due to changed insights, species can sometimes end up in a different genus, but the second part of the species name is then retained and the person who described the species is placed in brackets together with the year. It may also appear that a name corresponds to that of a previously described species. Such a name is then considered a junior synonym and becomes invalid. If a different name is currently in use for the original name, it will be indicated in the list as a modified name. It is also stated whether the species originates from sea (M: marine), brackish (B) or fresh (F) water, or whether it is a terrestrial snail (T: terrestrial).


Acknowledgment:. Grateful use was made of the list of eponyms by Gijs Kronenberg (2022) in compiling the table. In addition, a few more names were found by searching in MolluscaBase and WoRMS. Both Henk Dekker and Gijs Kronenberg (both Naturalis and Dutch Malacological Association) were very helpful. This way they could confirm that it was actually Tera who was named in the names Teraia and Benthemia (the latter via Ruud Bank). Henk Dekker also took the trouble to add the names that were not yet in MolluscaBase, so that you can learn more about the different species and their authors. Barbara van Benthem Jutting converted the email and the description into a blog.


Kronenberg, G.C. 2022. Eponyms of persons connected to the Netherlands Malacological Society. 4th edition, June 1, 2022: 1-51. Netherlands Malacological Society. URL: www.spirula.nl/list-of-eponyms-nmv


Oorspronkelijke naam

Aangepaste naam

mar. / ter.





Tweekleppigen recent




Teredo (Dactyloteredo) juttingae Roch, 1955

Nototeredo edax (Hedley, 1895)



Lyratellina juttingae van Regteren Altena, 1965



Tweekleppige fossiel




Divaricella juttingae Spaink, 1965

Lucinella juttingae (Spaink, 1965)


Slakken recent




Mitra (Scabricola) juttingae Koperberg, 1931

Gemmulimitra duplilirata (Reeve, 1845)



Hypselostoma terae Tomlin, 1939

Boysidia terae (Tomlin, 1939)



Acteocina juttingae van Regteren Altena & Beets, 1945




Megalacron juttingae Clench & R.D. Turner, 1964




Benthemia Forcart, 1964




Juttingia Loosjes, 1965




Teralatirus Coomans, 1965




Teraia Solem, 1966




Haplotychius juttingae van Bruggen 1972




Neritina juttingae Mienis, 1973

Neritona juttingae (Mienis, 1973)



Papuina juttingae Mienis, 1993




Teracharopa Maassen, 2000




Ditropopsis benthemjuttingae Greķe, 2011




Pincerna crenilabris juttingae Páll-Gergely et al., 2020



Slakken fossiel



Conus juttingae Pannekoek, 1936

Hemiconus juttingae (Pannekoek, 1936)



Marginella (Cryptospira) juttingae Pannekoek, 1936




Oliva (Strephona) juttingae Pannekoek, 1936




Cribraria vanbenthemjuttingae F.A. Schilder, 1941

Ovatipsa vanbenthemjuttingae (F. A. Schilder, 1941)



Murex juttingae Beets, 1941

Murex (Chicoreus) juttingae Beets, 1941



Melanoides juttingae Wissema, 1947

Tarebia juttingae (Wissema, 1947)






Enteroctopus juttingae G.C. Robson, 1929

Enteroctopus megalocyathus (Gould, 1852)






Pallenopsis juttingae Stock, 1964

Bathypallenopsis juttingae (Stock, 1964)


So far the guest blog by Godfried van Moorsel, for whick many thanks.

In  the next blog I will try to shed some light on Tera’s scientific significance. 

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